Tuesday, August 17, 2010

The Four Things ( from a chained email )

The Holy Prophet (SAW) Said:

1) Four things that make your body sick:

a) Excessive talking
b) Excessive sleeping
c) Excessive eating and
d) Excessive meeting other people

2) Four things that destroys the body:

a) Worrying
b) Sor
row (Sadness/Grief)
c) Hunger

d) Sleeping late in the night

3) Four things that dry the face & take away its happiness:

a) Lying
b) Being disrespectful / impudent (insisting on something wrong knowingly)
c) Arguing without adequate knowledge & Information.
d) Excessive immorality (doing something wrong without fear).

4) Four things that increases the wetness of face & its happiness:

a) Piety
b) Loyalty
c) Generosity (being kind)
d) To be helpful to others without he/she asking for that.

5) Four things that stop the Rizq (Sustenance) :

a) Sleeping in the morning (from Fajr to sunrise)
b) Not Performing Namaz or Ir-regular in Prayers
c) Laziness / Idleness
d) Treachery / Dishonesty

6) Four things that bring / increase the Rizq:

a) Staying up in the night for prayers.
b) Excessive Repentance
c) Regular Charity
d) Zikr (Remembrance of Allah / God).

The Holy Prophet (SAW), Also said to communicate to others even if you listen One Verse (Ayaah) & this one verse will stand on the Day of Judgment for intercession.

The Holy Prophet (SAW) said, Stop doing everything during the Azaan, even reading the Quran, the person who talks during the Azaan will not be able to say the Kalima Shahada on his/her death bed....

Please pass this message to Muslims...


Allahumma- inni- ala- Zikr-ika -wa Shuk-rika wa husni-Ibaadatik


This year saw four schools from Indonesia participate in the 2010 Students Attachment Program.

There were 53 students from Deltasari Sidoarjo, SMP Al Falah and SMP Al Hikmah (1st batch)(6th January -12th January 2010), 26 students from Gema Nurani (11th April -24th April 2010), 80 students from SMP Al Falah and SMP Al Hikmah (2nd batch)(23rd Jun - 5th July 2010) , 39 students from Jakarta Islamic School (3rd July - 13th July 2010) and 19 students from Darul Hikam from Bandung (5th July -20th July 2010).

On some days our Indonesian guests were placed in classes with
ADNI students where our young Muslims from both schools had an opportunity to mingle with each other and experience the learning together. On other days, the Indonesians were taken on trips and visits to places of interest in and around Kuala Lumpur.~

Reported by,
Azri Rahimi

Tahfiz Competition @ I.M.A.S

Alhamdulillah, Praise be to ALLAH...and Congratulations to ADNI students for their achievement in the Qur'an Memorization Contest ( المسابقة القرآنية الطلابية ) which was conducted by The International Modern Arabic School (IMAS) Kuala Lumpur recently. The ADNI team which comprised of ADNI's tahfiz students (led by Ust. Mukhlis and Ust. Sirazul Islam) won the categories held during the competition which was attended by various Islamic schools in Kuala Lumpur and Selangor. Tahniah, Mubarak Alfa Barakah for the winners! May ALLAH shower HIS blessings up on us to keep the Qur'an in our minds and live with its teachings.~

Reported by,

Open Up Your Eyes

On the 1st of July 2010, the launching of the Al-Aqsa club was held during the weekly Thursday assembly. The prefects put on a spectacular silent play. It was about how Israel took the land of Palestine from the Palestinians and what is happening in the war. It also portrayed the works of biased media companies such as Fox News, BBC and CNN. And how this media manipulates reality. The play also showed the response of the world, and how they only “spectated” the hostility of the Israelis towards the Palestinians. The purpose of the club is to raise awareness about what is happening in Palestine and to invite students to take action. How can we have the heart to buy products such as McDonalds, Coca-cola and Starbucks which are actually contributing to the Zionists cause ? Your four ringgit spent on a cheeseburger could’ve been used to buy a few bullets which might have killed some
innocent children. I would feel guilty, wouldn’t you? ~

Reported by,
Aliya A. Nabil

Adni ITF TaekWon-Do Demostration

On Saturday. 31 July 2010, in conjuction with the launching of the "Jom Ke Masjid" campaign at Masjid Al-Hidayah, Taman Melawati - ADNI Islamic School has sent 19 of their ITF taekwon-do students to demonstrate their art of self-defence. This demonstration were led bt Masre Ridzwan Abu Hasan and Azri Rahimi.

Reported by,

Azri Rahimi