Tuesday, August 17, 2010


This year saw four schools from Indonesia participate in the 2010 Students Attachment Program.

There were 53 students from Deltasari Sidoarjo, SMP Al Falah and SMP Al Hikmah (1st batch)(6th January -12th January 2010), 26 students from Gema Nurani (11th April -24th April 2010), 80 students from SMP Al Falah and SMP Al Hikmah (2nd batch)(23rd Jun - 5th July 2010) , 39 students from Jakarta Islamic School (3rd July - 13th July 2010) and 19 students from Darul Hikam from Bandung (5th July -20th July 2010).

On some days our Indonesian guests were placed in classes with
ADNI students where our young Muslims from both schools had an opportunity to mingle with each other and experience the learning together. On other days, the Indonesians were taken on trips and visits to places of interest in and around Kuala Lumpur.~

Reported by,
Azri Rahimi

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